本文来源:家琨建築(ID:jiakunarchitects)本文已获授权,版权归家琨建築,如需转载请联系原公众号 第15届威尼斯建筑双年展 | 中央馆 15th International Architecture Exhibition | Central Pavilion 策展人:亚历杭德罗·阿拉维纳Curator: Alejandro Aravena 展览时间:2016年5月28日 - 11月27日Duration: 28 May - 27 November 2016 人山人海People Mountain People Sea日常生活的欢庆A Celebration of Everyday Life 作者:刘家琨 / 家琨建筑Artist: Liu Jiakun / Jiakun Architects团队:杨磊、王凯玲、刘滢、刘速、温锋、吴露伊、朱维昆Team: Yang Lei, Wang Kailing, Liu Ying, Liu Su, Wen Feng, Wu Luyi and Zhu Weikun 志愿者:何硕、王冕、艾钰丰、殷蔚林Volunteer: He Shuo, Wang Mian, Ai Yufeng and Yin Weilin支持机构及个人:With support of: 北京当代艺术基金会Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation,成都贝森文化发展有限公司Basis Transmedia Co.,奥美公关Ogilvy & Mather,DA动态艺术工作室DA Works, 密克罗模型制作有限公司Micro Model DesignCo., 存在建筑建筑摄影Archiexist Photographer, 余明旻Yu Mingmin, 马占东Ma Zhandong致谢:Acknowledgement: 感谢家琨建筑其他员工及实习生在展览筹备过程中给与的帮助Many thanks for all the help from other staff and interns of Jiakun Architects 策展人:亚历杭德罗·阿拉维纳 Curator : Alejandro Aravena Photo by Francesco Galli Courtesy: La Biennale di Venezia 家琨建筑工作团队Jiakun Architects Exhibition Team 志愿者团队 Volunteer Team------------------------人山人海——日常生活的欢庆城市野蛮生长,历史记忆被抺除,公共空间被蚕食,地方精神萎缩,传统生活方式迅速消失,建筑传统沦为符号,日常休闲被消费异化为固定模式……城市规划使建筑越来越被分化为“纪念碑”和“普通民居”两种,前者显赫夺目,周边空旷;后者核心缺失、零落逼仄。空间的等级制度设定使对延续地方精神来说至关重要的日常生活空间等而下之,生活的创造力似乎只有在犄角旮旯里才能杂乱生长。项目用地周边是大片普通住宅小区,用地性质是社区体育服务用地(规划允许建筑容积率2.0;覆盖率40%;限高24米。)建设任务是建造城市综合体。是以单一实体为中心独统全局,还是以公共空间为中心集群共生?这是我们面临的选择。能不能使资本的掠夺习性进化为共享多赢?能不能把被割裂漠视的日常生活内容集聚起来获得能量?能不能把被动寻求保护的公共空间变为主动的优势输出?能不能使传统文化基因在当代城市中得以延续?能不能使市井场面变为艺术呈现?这是我们面临的挑战。西村.贝森大院的设计一反中心体量集合的城市综合体常见模式,采用外环内空的布局,环绕街区沿边修建,围合出一个公园般的超大院落,成为一个外高内低,容纳纷繁杂陈的公共生活的“绿色盆地”,呼应了四川盆地的原风景。大、中、小竹林院落层层相套,面向公众开放,自由穿行,再现传统生活环境,激发集体记忆,延续了成都人民热爱的竹下休闲传统生活方式。功能设施式的骨架设计,任由富于个性的世俗生活自由填充,又被大院的巨大尺度所归纳,最终形成“市井立面”,传达出群体创造的丰富表现力。一条架空休闲跑道巡遊大院并攀升至屋顶又环绕一周,为跑步和骑车人们带来了自由兴奋的超常体验,并赋予建筑具有动态能量的鲜活形象。西村.贝森大院的建设使日常休闲方式获得了具有纪念性尺度的集合表现,成为周边社区民众休闲生活的乐园,也为自身带来了丰沛的活力和巨大的成长空间。 People Mountain People Sea - A Celebration of Everyday LifeThe city grows madly; memories are vanishing; public space has been slowly eroded;so does the genius loci and conventional ways of life. The so-called architectural traditions have become merely a symbolic existence. Daily life, especially people's leisureactivities, is no more than a normative by-product of consumer culture. Today's urban planning makes buildings in the city seem ever more divided into two categories - either a monument/landmark or a folk house: the former is attention-seeker and vacuums its surrounding area; the latter loses its standand withdraws into corners. The hierarchy of spatial configuration downgrades public spaces and severely undermines local spirit. It seems like, creativity, imagination and passion for life can only thrive on leftover spaces.The site of West Village sits in middle of sweeping residential communities. Theland is used for community sports activities - a plot ratio of 2.0 is allowed,with 40 percent coverage and the maximum height of 24 metres. Our task is to build an urban complex. Is it going to be a monolithic edifice centralizing thearea or a collective combo containing diverse public spaces? This is our choice to make. Is it possible to transfer the all-consuming nature of capitalism into a win-win case of sharing? To thrive onthe gathering of often overlooked daily life contents? To regain the initiative of today’s vulnerable public spaces? To keep on the traditional cultural genesin contemporary cities? To turn the marketplace scene into art? This is our challenge. Unlike typical centripetal commercial complexes, West Village adopts a centrifugallayout that encircles the entire block to maximize the inner area of sports andgreen. The vast park-styled courtyard forms a green basin containing diversepublic life; meanwhile it is a representation of the original low-landlandscape of Sichuan Basin - in both natural and cultural sense. Smaller bamboocourtyards exist within bigger ones; and they are open to public and visitorscan walk through freely. The spatial design carries on the ever-popular leisure lifestyle among locals and refreshes their former collective memories. West Village's functional structure provides individuals with customizable spaces,their diverse expressions are integrated by the large scale of courtyard. In this way, the inner façade eventually becomes a parade of marketplaces cenarios. An elevated runway entwined the whole courtyard, connecting eachfloors from the underground to the roof. It brings excitements of unusual experiences, especially for joggers and cyclists; meanwhile gives the project adynamic look. West village is a monumental attempt to assemble everyday leisure activities andresponds to people's real appeal and simple dreams in the lost space. It isable to sustain and develop itself yet vitalize the public life of externalsurrounding communities. 作品介绍 提取西村.贝森大院中最具特色的环绕步道及公共部分,加以夸张变形,形成展场中央的铁制装置。装置各处安置人偶,营造出大院的比例和活跃气氛。中央放置以大院为原型的游戏互动装置,观众可通过钢珠的滚动,体验大院的运动性、休闲性,参与性。周边展墙布置屏幕,展现大院的图片,图纸,局部构件,视频等。层层相套的围合呼应了西村.贝森大院的空间特征。 IntroductionThe most distinctive feature extractedfrom West Village·Basin Yard --- thecircular ramp and public space, applying with exaggerated distortions, formsthe steel installation placed in the exhibition stage. Little human figures are installed around the installation, not only demonstrating the scale of Basin Yard butalso creating a vibrant atmosphere. Within the steel installation, there placed aninteractive installation based on the design of Basin Yard. By rolling steelballs, visitors are able to personally experience the relaxation andcirculation of Basin yard. Screens on sidewalls show photographs, architectural drawings, construction details, videos, etc. Multiple layers of the exhibitionresponse to the spatial relationship of West Village·Basin Yard. 西村Run - 游戏互动装置 Xicun Run - Interactive Installation 展览现场Exhibition Scene ------------------------西村·贝森大院West Village ·Basis Yard 地点:中国四川省成都市青羊区贝森北路1号Location:1 Basis North Rd, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China类别:文化创意及休闲运动综合体Type: Multifunctional Complex业主:贝森集团Client: Basis Group 建筑面积:135,552 m2Building Area: 135,552 m2时间:2014Time: 2014设计单位:家琨建筑设计事务所 合作:四川思博建筑设计有限公司Designer: Jiakun Architects, cooperated with Sichuan Sibo Architecture&Design Co. 版权所有©家琨建筑,摄影:存在建筑-建筑摄影Copyright© Jiakun Architects. Photo by Archiexist Photographer 版权所有©家琨建筑,摄影:存在建筑-建筑摄影Copyright© Jiakun Architects. Photo by Archiexist Photographer 版权所有©家琨建筑,摄影:存在建筑-建筑摄影Copyright© Jiakun Architects. Photo by Archiexist Photographer 摄影:李自强 Photo by Li Ziqiang 版权所有©家琨建筑Copyright© Jiakun Architects 摄影:成都贝森文化发展有限公司Photo by Basis Transmedia Co. 版权所有©家琨建筑,摄影:存在建筑-建筑摄影Copyright © Jiakun Architects. Photoby Archiexist Photographer 声明:本文所有图片(除特殊注明外)皆为家琨建筑版权所有,转载需注明“©家琨建筑Jiakun Architects”。◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ “世界之旅”成立于1999年,拥有国家特许经营出入境资质 ,是全国唯一的建筑、规划专业国际旅行社。▼长按下方二维码,关注世界之旅 |