grdj3k8 2013-8-7 22:37:54
1个是Material is spent light.
"We were born of light. The seasons are felt through light. We only know the world as it is evoked by light, and form this comes the thought that material is spent light."
"When spent light was in the image of the desire to be express, there was the presence of the inspiration. The desire to be to express meeting the means to express which was the material."
这个可能不是很好理解,是说material是消耗了的光. (反之kahn也认为是成立的,也就是material 可以变成光)
natural light 可以给人 sense of time
而在康德认为time是priori之一,也就是无法用感官去直接感觉,但是可以思考think得到的 (认识论,也就是人如何去认识这个世界,认识知识knowledge)
在存在哲学中 passing time可以给人sense of being(这点我还没有直接看到,还在看ing)
为什么说natural light 可以给人sense of time
Kahn是这样说"To me, natural light is the only light, because it has mood -- it provides a ground of common agreement for man-- it puts us in touch with the eternal. Natural light is the only light that makes architecture architecture."
3 Structure is the giver of light.
"With material, light casts a shadow which is also a part of light."
"In structure you might see the notes in a sense. If you think of the Parthenon being made of columns and spaces in columns, you can say the columns are no light and the spaces between columns are light.
The columns are notes, and the spaces between the notes.
The are the light intervals.
Structure is the maker of light in that.
When I choose an order of structure that calls for column alongside of column, it presents a rhythm of no light, light, no light, light. A vault, a dome , is also a choice of a character of light."
这些再往下分析一下谈的是matter&form,material--matter, structure--form
matter&form不只是西方哲学基本命题了,而且是西方文化的基础,也可以解释文艺复兴以来建筑为什么要画图. matter--material--materialism是一线的一个起源,但是我们翻译却是 物质--材料--唯物主义,不看英文等受拉丁古希腊语影响的语言难以理解他们的关系
1v7y7or 2013-8-7 22:37:54
cici wrote:
1个是Material is spent light.
"We were born of light. The seasons are felt through light. We only know the world as it is evoked by light, and form this comes the thought that material is spent light."
"When spent light was in the image of the desire to be express, there was the presence of the inspiration. The desire to be to express meeting the means to express which was the material."
这个可能不是很好理解,是说material是消耗了的光. (反之kahn也认为是成立的,也就是material 可以变成光)
t7ktz0u 2013-8-7 22:37:55
颠覆建筑 wrote:
这个我也花了一段时间去理解的,我想可以这样理解. 我们看到的物体,都是由材料构成的,不同的材料看起来不同,同样物体在不同光线下看起来也不同.
我们可以这样理解, 是物体被人看见,就是spent("花费","消耗")了不同的光.
不同的物体,花费的光不一样,比如如果是镜面,那么"花费"的光比较少, 而粗糙表面的物体"花费"的光就比较多. (也许可以类比"吸收").
那么为什么同样的物体在不同光线下看的也不同呢? 也是和这个"花费"的光有关. 比如同一个物体在太阳光照耀下,花费的比较少,所以你看到它很清楚,而被灯光照耀则花费的灯光比较多,所以你看到它比较模糊.
p64iyb2k 2013-8-7 22:37:56
颠覆建筑 wrote:
我觉得问题 倒不是在 上述 两位所说的历史化和非历史化上定义问题,而是 塔夫理所表达出来的自相矛盾,他读懂了康和后现代建筑没有?